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Global Leader Experience

15.-17. Juli 2022 | online | For scholarship holders & alumni


Global Leader Experience

Experiental leadership programme on SDGs with students from Germany and South Africa


The Global Leader Experience (GLE) is a powerful leadership programme to develop your inclusive leadership skills. It will bring together a diverse, interdisciplinary group of approximately 50 German Scholarship Holders and 50 students from Stellenbosch University Business School South Africa.

You get insights of various cities and global organisations perspectives and get in touch with the challenge: “How can our cities overcome crises by advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?” Using creative and collaborative process, you develop innovative solutions to this challenge.

You interact with senior leaders from across sectors and industries, collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds, and develop the skills required to quickly understand and navigate through complex situations.

The programme is ran across three days in a four-stage online process, combining plenary discussions and reflections; group work and exercises in breakouts; keynote speakers and immersion visits.

Two weeks before the start of the programme, you receive access to a self-directed preparation course. The Global Citizenship is an experiential online leadership course that develops skills and competencies you need to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Common Purpose programmes give you the skills to begin your career, thrive in your role and take on a leadership position – at work and in society. The charity has so far delivered approximately 480 programmes for more than 27,000 students in over 80 cities across the world.

Seminar language is English. Do not hesitate to sign up even if you are not comfortable with the English language. Experience shows that your participation is always inspiring. We all want to learn from each other.

Programm details will be published soon.


Seminar times

virtual real-time, 15.–17.07.2022, 10am-4pm / 10-16h every day


In cooperation with SBB – Stiftung Begabtenförderung berufliche Bildung and Common Purpose in Germany and South Africa.


Sign up here.

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